Engineering Graphics (Colour Book)

Engineering Graphics is the universal language of all engineers around the world. It is the graphical solution for many engineering problems and is a communication language between the designer and maker of the object. Engineering drawing, most commonly referred to as engineering graphics, is the art of manipulation of designs of a variety of components, especially those related to engineering. The subject of ‘Engineering Graphics’ has become an indispensable tool for Engineers, Technocrats, Architects, Draftsmen, Surveyors, Designers and many other professionals in the recent times. It is used to convey the ideas and information necessary for the construction or analysis of machines, structures and system, graphically.

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Book Details


430 Pages (Colour Book)


Alexis Press







About The Author

Herman Sweeney

Herman Sweeney

Herman Sweeney is a professor of great repute and credible scholar, eminent for his research in Study of Engineering Graphics and Design. He received his bachelor's in Physics and master's in engineering Graphics, thereafter he obtained his Doctorate from the same university as well. He has published seven research papers in journals as well as in conferences in national and international repute. He has been directing research scholars for more than seven years. His speciality includes Engineering Drawing, Manufacture Engineering and Technology, and Mechanical Engineering etc. He is the author of more than 64 journal papers and 3 books on Interpreting Engineering Drawings, Engineering Graphic Modelling and Technical Drawing with Engineering Graphics.

Engineering Graphics is the universal language of all engineers around the world. It is the graphical solution for many engineering problems and is a communication language between the designer and maker of the object. Engineering drawing, most commonly referred to as engineering graphics, is the art of manipulation of designs of a variety of components, especially those related to engineering. It primarily consists of sketching the actual component, for example, a machine, with its exact dimensions, and using entities such as points, lines, arcs, etcetera. The scale of dimensions is suitably adjusted so as to properly fit within the contours of the drawing sheet. In some cases, depending on the discipline, there are areas of particular focus, such as in the case of Structural Engineering. Another consideration is in regards to the units of measure used; these could be not only Metric or Imperial but also the way these are noted is relevant because it will also reflect the precision of a dimension. Engineering drawing is not only the province of the draftsperson, but is the language of the engineer. It is their means of developing and recording their ideas, and conveying them to others. Every engineer will be using and referring to some form of drawings almost daily. They will often be producing or directing the preparation of drawings. Usually, they make the preliminary sketches and design drawings in accordance with principles of engineering drawing. Because this is the most unambiguous way of to convey and record information. It is also likely that every engineer at sometime will be checking the work of designer drafters and approving drawings before they are sent to manufacturing. The subject of ‘Engineering Graphics’ has become an indispensable tool for Engineers, Technocrats, Architects, Draftsmen, Surveyors, Designers and many other professionals in the recent times. It is used to convey the ideas and information necessary for the construction or analysis of machines, structures and system, graphically.


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