Histological Techniques: Theory and Principles

Histology, also microanatomy, is the branch of biology which studies the tissues of animals and plants using microscopy. It is commonly studied using a light microscope or electron microscope, the specimen having been sectioned, stained, and mounted on a microscope slide.

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Book Details


319 Pages


Alexis Press







About The Author

Dan Underwood

Histology, also microanatomy, is the branch of biology which studies the tissues of animals and plants using microscopy. It is commonly studied using a light microscope or electron microscope, the specimen having been sectioned, stained, and mounted on a microscope slide. Histological studies may be conducted using tissue culture, where live animal cells are isolated and maintained in an artificial environment for various research projects. This is a brand new edition of the leading reference work on histological techniques. This book provides a single comprehensive resource on the tried and tested investigative techniques as well as coverage of the latest technical developments. It also provides authoritative guidance on principles and practice of fixation and staining. Information is well set out and easy to retrieve. This book clearly explains practical information on measurements, preparation solutions that are used in daily laboratory practice. Dynamic illustrations are used extensively throughout the text.


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